Addison, David J.Bass, BryonChristensen, CarlKalolo, JohnLundblad, SteveMills, PeterPetchey, FionaThompson, Adam2009-09-032009-09-032009Addison, D., Bass, B., Christensen, C., Petchey, F., et al. (2009). Archaeology of Atafu, Tokelau: Some initial results from 2008. Rapa Nui Journal, 23(1), 5-9. survey, shovel testing, and stratigraphic excavations were done on Atafu Atoll in Tokelau during August 2008. Initial results suggest that Fale Islet has the most potential for further archaeological research. Dense cultural deposits on this islet are >1 m (39 in.) deep. Cultural material recovered includes food bone, fire-affected volcanic rock, tool-grade basalt flakes and tool fragments, Tridacna shell adzes, and pearl-shell fishhook fragments. Dog bone occurs from the earliest deposits through to the late prehistoric, while pig bone is found only in historic contexts. Fish bone is common throughout, and, with the exception of Tridacna, there are few edible mollusk remains. Initial EDXRF (Energy Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence) analyses have found the basalt to be consistent with documented sources on Tutuila, Samoa. Basal radiocarbon dates from two excavation units are 660-540 cal. BP and 500-310 cal. BP (at 2σ).application/pdfenThis article has been published in the journal: Rapa Nui Journal. Used with permission.Atafu AtollArchaeology of Atafu, Tokelau: Some initial results from 2008Journal Article