Modelling muscle energy-metabolism in anaerobic muscle
A mathematical model of anaerobic muscle energy-metabolism was developed to predict pH and the concentrations of nine muscle metabolites over time. Phosphorous-31 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance was used to measure time-course data for some phosphate metabolites and pH in anoxic M. semitendinosus taken from three slaughtered sheep. Muscles were held at 35 °C during the experiment. Measurement commenced 25 min post mortem and concluded before rigor mortis. The model was fitted to these data within experimental error, by simultaneously varying model parameter values and initial substrate concentrations.
The model was used to simulate the period from death until metabolic activity ceased, in order to predict the different stages of metabolic response to anoxia. The model suggested that alkalinisation would occur in all three muscles in the first few minutes after the onset of anoxia, followed by a steady decline in pH. For two of the muscles this decline continued until rigor, with final pH values of 5.60 and 6.07. For the other muscle, pH reached a low of 5.60 near rigor but then increased to a final value of 5.73. A rise in pH after rigor has been observed but not previously explained in the literature. The modelling results suggest it was caused by the alkalising effect of adenosine monophosphate deamination being greater at low pH than the acidifying effect of inosine monophosphate dephosphorylation.
Journal Article
Type of thesis
Vetharanim, I., Thomson, R. A., Devine, C. E. & Daly, C. C. (2010). Modelling muscle energy-metabolism in anaerobic muscle. Meat Science, 85(1), 134-148.