We employ a turbulence transport model to compute distributions of turbulence throughout the heliosphere. The model determines the radial dependence of three (coupled) quantities that characterize interplanetary turbulence, the energy per unit mass, the cross helicity or Alfvénicity, and a similarity length scale. A fourth integrated quantity, the plasma temperature, is modified by heat deposition due to turbulent dissipation. The model includes advection, expansion, and reflection effects as well as the tendency toward dynamic alignment, and a von Kármán type dissipation function that represents decay of turbulence due to cascade to small scales. Two types of forcing are also featured, one a simple model of stream shear, and the other a driving in the outer heliosphere associated with wave energy injection due to pickup protons of interstellar origin. Parameters for the model have been tuned using observation data from Voyager and Ulysses. We analyze the constraining observations to provide boundary conditions and parameters that vary with heliocentric latitude, with some extrapolations. The fully assembled model permits the computation of the distribution of turbulence throughout the entire heliosphere, and we present solutions for several appropriate parameter sets.
Journal Article
Type of thesis
Breech, B., Matthaeus, W.H., Minnie, J., Bieber, J.W., Oughton, S., Smith, C.W. & Isenberg, P.A. (2007). Turbulence transport throughout the heliosphere. Journal of Geophysical Research, 113.
American Geophysical Union.
This article has been published in Journal of Geophysical Research. ©American Geophysical Union.