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Stratigraphy and chronology of the Stent tephra, a c. 4000 year old distal silicic tephra from Taupo Volcanic Centre, New Zealand.

Tephrostratigraphic and chronologic studies in two areas of the North Island have identified a previously unrecorded, thin, distal silicic tephra derived from the Taupo Volcanic Centre. In Taranaki, three radiocarbon ages of the uncorrelated tephra are consistent with the independent radiocarbon chronology obtained from enveloping Egmontsourced tephras. In western Bay of Plenty, where the uncorrelated tephra is also directly dated, it is overlain by Whakaipo Tephra (c. 2.7 ka) and underlain by Hinemaiaia Tephra (c. 4.5 ka). From these sites in Taranaki and western Bay of Plenty, seven radiocarbon dates obtained on the uncorrelated silicic tephra yield an error-weighted mean age of 3970 ±31 conventional radiocarbon years B.P. The ages on the uncorrelated tephra (informally referred to as Stent tephra) from both areas are statistically identical but significantly different from those on both Waimihia and Hinemaiaia Tephras. occurrence of Stent tephra in Taranaki, c. 160 km upwind from the postulated source area, and in western Bay of Plenty, suggests that it represents the product of a moderately large plinian eruption. Until recently, its validity as a discrete eruptive event had been problematical, because a near-source equivalent deposit between Waimihia and Hinemaiaia Tephras was not recognised in the Taupo area. However, a revised stratigraphy proposed by C. J. N. Wilson in 1993 for eastern sectors of the Taupo area shows that multiple tephra layers were erupted from Taupo volcano between c. 3.9 and 5.2 ka. Of these newly recognised layers, unit-g--the product of a moderately large eruption (>0.15 km3) at c. 4.0 ka--is tentatively correlated with Stent tephra. Other eruptive units recognised by Wilson are either too old or too small in volume to be considered as likely correlatives.
Journal Article
Type of thesis
Alloway, B., Lowe, D., Chan, R.P.K., Eden, D. & Froggatt, P. (1994). Stratigraphy and chronology of the Stent tephra, a c. 4000 year old distal silicictephra from Taupo Volcanic Centre, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, 37(1), 37-47.
The final, definitive version of this article has been published in the Journal, New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, 37(1), 1994, (c) The Royal Society of New Zealand at the The Royal Society of New Zealand Journals Online webpage.