A non-linear, criterion-referenced grading scheme for a computer literacy course
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The development of complex Information Systems requires the use of many Information Systems engineering tools. These diverse tools need to be integrated in order to be effectively used by multiple cooperating developers. In addition, the users of these environments require features that facilitate effective cooperation, such as support for collaboratively planning cooperative work, notification of changes to parts of a system under development (but only when necessary or desired), support for keeping aware of other developers' work contexts, and the ability to flexibly engineer or adapt development processes and methods. We describe an integrated Information Systems engineering environment which includes a work coordination tool supporting these requirements.
Working Paper
Type of thesis
Computer Science Working Papers
Rogers, B., Treweek, P. & Cunningham, S. (1996). A non-linear, criterion-referenced grading scheme for a computer literacy course. (Working paper 96/07). Hamilton, New Zealand: University of Waikato, Department of Computer Science.