Hypolimnetic phosphorus and nitrogen dynamics in a small, eutrophic lake with a seasonally anoxic hypolimnion
In situ estimates of sediment nutrient flux are necessary to understand seasonal variations in internal loading in lakes. We investigated the sources and sinks of nutrients in the hypolimnion of a small (0.33 km²), relatively shallow (18 m max. depth), eutrophic lake (Lake Okaro, New Zealand) in order to determine changes in sediment nutrient fluxes resulting from a whole lake sediment capping trial using a modified zeolite phosphorus inactivation agent (Z2G1). Sediment nutrient fluxes in the hypolimnion were estimated as the residual term in a nutrient budget model that accounted for mineralisation of organic nutrients, nutrient uptake by phytoplankton and mixing, nitrification, adsorption/desorption and diffusion of dissolved nutrients at the thermocline. Of the total hypolimnetic phosphate and ammonium fluxes during one period of seasonal stratification (2007–08), up to 60 and 50%, respectively, were derived from the bottom sediments, 18 and 24% were due to mineralisation of organic species, 36 and 28% were due to phytoplankton uptake and 9 and 6% were from diffusion across the thermocline. Adsorption/desorption of phosphate to suspended solids and nitrification were of minor (<8%) importance to the total fluxes. Any reduction in sediment nutrient release by Z2G1 was small compared with both the total sediment nutrient flux and the sum of other hypolimnetic fluxes. Uneven sediment coverage of Z2G1 may have been responsible for the limited effect of the sediment capping layer formed by Z2G1.
Journal Article
Type of thesis
Özkundakci, D., Hamilton, D.P. & Gibbs, M.M. (2011). Hypolimnetic phosphorus and nitrogen dynamics in a small, eutrophic lake with a seasonally anoxic hypolimnion. Hydrobiologia, 661(1), 5-20.