In indigenous research projects, there is a strong emphasis on interviews and the analysis of the data that results. There is, however, another form of research that still calls to be fully acknowledged. Philosophical research shares some ground with empirical because it responds to a Maori history and experience of oppression. One clear area in which it may differ, though, is in how it attempts to acknowledge the presence of ‘things’, which we might call our ‘whanaunga’ (relations), even where these have been deemed by Western science to be inanimate. More importantly, philosophical research is risky because the thing continues to influence the researching self, despite the self’s eventual disengagement from the research. Philosophical research – the kind that seeks an unobtainable ground of thought – is at once aware of and tentative towards the thing. It also acts within the influence of the thing: this phenomenon for the author can be best felt when the bizarre is encountered in everyday observations.
Chapter in Book
Type of thesis
Mika, C. T. H. (2015). The thing’s revelation: Some thoughts on Māori philosophical research. In L. Pihama, K. Southey, & S.-J. Tiakiwai (Eds.), Kaupapa Rangahau: A Reader A collection of readings from the Kaupapa Māori Research workshop series (2nd ed., pp. 55–62). Hamilton, New Zealand: The University of Waikato.
The University of Waikato