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Dimension-Based Subscription Pruning for Publish/Subscribe Systems

Subscription pruning has been proven as valuable routing optimization for Boolean subscriptions in publish/ subscribe systems. It aims at optimizing subscriptions independently of each other and is thus applicable for all kinds of subscriptions regardless of their individual and collective structures. The original subscription pruning approach tries to optimize the event routing process based on the expected increase in network load. However, a closer look at pruning-based routing reveals its further applicability to optimizations in respect to other dimensions. In this paper, we introduce and investigate subscription pruning based on three dimensions of optimization: network load, memory usage, and system throughput. We present the algorithms to perform prunings based on these dimensions and discuss the results of a series of practical experiments. Our analysis reveals the advantages and disadvantages of the different dimensions of optimization and allows conclusions about the suitability of dimension-based pruning for different application requirements.
Conference Contribution
Type of thesis
Bittner, S. & Hinze, A. (2006). Dimension-Based Subscription Pruning for Publish/Subscribe Systems. In Proceedings of 26th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems Workshops (ICDCSW’06) (pp. 25-30). Washington, DC, USA: IEEE Computer Society.
IEEE Computer Society
This article has been published in Proceedings of 26th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems Workshops (ICDCSW’06). ©2006 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE.