Design enhancements of the smart sediment particle for riverbed transport monitoring
This paper discusses new enhancements that are being made to the existing ‘Smart Sediment Particle’. The smart sediment particle has been designed and implemented to track its own 3-dimensional trajectory when placed in a riverbed. This device serves as a tool to detect sedimentation in rivers. The device has been developed over the years, with its size diminishing significantly down to a sphere of 2cm radius. The readings obtained from the pebble are accurate and match well with other independent motion sensor readings. Currently a novel IPT (Inductive Power Transfer) based power supply is being integrated to this device, to charge it wirelessly, when it has been extracted from the water. A new low power, miniaturized microcontroller has been introduced to minimize the power consumption and the PCB real estate of the device. The paper discusses these new enhancements in detail and also other potential enhancements such as error compensation and wireless data transfer.
Conference Contribution
Type of thesis
Abeywardana, D. K., Hu, A. P. & Kularatna, N. (2009). Design enhancements of the smart sediment particle for riverbed transport monitoring. In proceedings of the 4th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications, IEEE, Xi'an, China; 25-27 May, 2009. (pp.336-341). Washington, DC, USA: IEEE.
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