Heritage/cultural attraction atmospherics: Creating the right environment for the heritage/cultural visitor
The popular press is replete with articles discussing the various remodeling efforts afoot in many of the prominent heritage attractions worldwide. Undoubtedly, museum curators have acknowledged the tremendous role external surroundings can play in the overall experience of the heritage visitor. This study investigates the effect of some basic environmental elements on visitors to heritage sites, illustrating that the heritage attraction’s physical environment plays an important role in determining both visitors’ attitude toward the heritage attraction and future repatronage intentions, as well as their willingness to recommend the experience to friends and relatives. The study findings indicate that environmental cues can be used as a differential tool to perpetuate brand meaning and uniqueness in the minds of the consumer, thereby creating a competitive advantage for the heritage attraction.
Journal Article
Type of thesis
Bonn, M.A., Joseph-Mathews, S.M., Dai, M., Hayes, S. & Cave, J. (2007). Heritage/cultural attraction atmospherics: Creating the right environment for the heritage/cultural visitor. Journal of Travel Research, 45(3), 345-354.
Sage Publications