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Determining the characteristics of a passive linear electro-magnetic damper for a lightweight vehicle.

Previous research has shown that passive electromagnetic damping could be feasible for automotive applications, but there would be a severe weight penalty, particularly in light weight vehicles. With modern advances in permanent magnets the feasibility of passive electromagnetic dampers is re-examined. A model of a permanent magnet and coil system is developed and validated in small scale. This magnet model is used to model a dynamic damper system which is again tested. Finally this dynamic model is then scaled up to a two degree of freedom system to determine the damping for a quarter car model. Two damper designs are created. While both dampers could achieve practical real-world damping levels, but both are at least a factor heavier than a comparable commercial hydraulic damper. Keywords: Electromagnetic, magnetic, EM, damping.
Conference Contribution
Type of thesis
Fow, A. J., & Duke, M. (2016). Determining the characteristics of a passive linear electro-magnetic damper for a lightweight vehicle. Presented at the 2016 IEEE 14th International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control (AMC16), Auckland, New Zealand.
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