Compressed air system best practice programmes: What needs to change to secure long-term energy savings for New Zealand?
The establishment of a compressed air system (CAS) best practice programme is a key component of one of the initial industrial energy efficiency programmes being driven by New Zealand government ministries and agencies. In a global context this is not a new initiative in that existing programmes have been functioning in Europe and USA, yet in each of these cases the impact ten years-on has been patchy with limited long-term improvements in overall energy efficiency. The New Zealand CAS best practice programme currently under development is sponsored by the Electricity Commission (EC) and the Energy Efficiency Conservation Authority (EECA). It takes a new approach in policy direction, with variations from those used in other international programmes. A significant level of electricity levy money is to be committed to this programme and it is timely to highlight its merits and potential weaknesses, and what is required to generate long-term energy savings beyond the levels achieved by more mature overseas programmes.
Journal Article
Type of thesis
Neale, J.R. & Kamp, P.J.J. (2009). Compressed air system best practice programmes: What needs to change to secure long-term energy savings for New Zealand? Energy Policy, 37(9), 3400-3408.