Reflections on the introduction of value added tax in the United Kingdom and goods and services tax in New Zealand
Twenty-two years ago (in 1985) the New Zealand (NZ) Goods and Service Tax
(GST) Act was enacted. The Value Added Tax (VAT) in the United Kingdom (UK)
has now been operational for over thirty-four years. VAT and GST are now an
accepted part of taxation policy. Such controversy as remains is concerned with
specific issues rather than the existence of the tax itself. However the specific form
the legislation takes in each country differs and the process of introducing the tax can in hindsight be evaluated in order to analyse the rules, methods and techniques that have proved to be most efficient and effective.
Working Paper
Type of thesis
Department of Accounting Working Paper Series
James, S. & Alley, C. (2007). Reflections on the introduction of value added tax in the United Kingdom and goods and services tax in New Zealand. (Department of Accounting Working Paper Series, Number 97). Hamilton, New Zealand: University of Waikato.
Waikato Management School