Considering counsellor education in Aotearoa New Zealand. Part 1: Looking back in order to look forward
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Professional education is integral to the life of a profession. This article offers an historical review of counsellor education in Aotearoa New Zealand from the point of view of educators in one programme. It suggests that inquiry about what has been might contribute to shaping what might ensue in counsellor education. Suggesting that counsellor education might be described as on the verge of entering a third phase, the article traces the first two phases, reviewing influences of government policy, the wider profession, other stake-holders, and counsellor educators themselves on the directions and forms that counsellor education has taken. Following these traces through history, the article looks toward a third phase, offering a series of questions about the possible opportunities and leadership responsibilities available to counselling education and educators. By ending with inquiry, the article seeks to make a contribution to a dialogue among counsellor educators that might actively contribute to shaping the future of counsellor education. This article is Part 1 of this discussion; Part 2 follows in the third section of this volume.
Journal Article
Type of thesis
Crocket, K., Flanagan, P., Winslade, J. & Kotzé, E. (2011). Considering counsellor education in Aotearoa New Zealand. Part 1: Looking back in order to look forward. New Zealand Journal of Counselling, 2-21.
New Zealand Association of Counsellors
This article has been published in the journal: New Zealand Journal of Counselling. Used with permission.