Reinventing the public intellectual through communication dialogue civic capacity building
The definition of a public intellectual and how and what public intellectuals contribute to society has been a matter of extensive critical reflection (see, e.g., Alcoff, 2002; Cummings, 2004; Etzioni & Bowditch, 2006; Kingston & Levine, 2004; Kurzman & Owens, 2002; Posner, 2002). It is predominantly agreed, however, that public intellectuals are academics who put their “scholarship at the service of a broader public” (Kingston, in Kingston & Levine, 2004, p. 19), and in so doing, contribute to public debate and thinking on issues of social, political, and economic concern. There are a range of predominantly writerly ways in which this contribution has traditionally been made, from the public lecture; to the literary book, memoir, or media essay; to the more recent phenomenon of the Internet Weblog, or blog.
Journal Article
Type of thesis
Weaver, C. K.(2007). Reinventing the public intellectual through communication dialogue civic capacity building. Management Communication Quarterly, 21(1), 92-104.