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Proceedings of CBISE ’98 CaiSE*98 workshop on component based information systems engineering

Component-based information systems development is an area of research and practice of increasing importance. Information Systems developers have realised that traditional approaches to IS engineering produce monolithic, difficult to maintain, difficult to reuse systems. In contrast, the use of software components, which embody data, functionality and well-specified and understood interfaces, makes interoperable, distributed and highly reusable IS components feasible. Component-based approaches to IS engineering can be used at strategic and organisational levels, to model business processes and whole IS architectures, in development methods which utilise component-based models during analysis and design, and in system implementation. Reusable components can allow end users to compose and configure their own Information Systems, possibly from a range of suppliers, and to more tightly couple their organisational workflows with their IS support. This workshop proceedings contains a range of papers addressing one or more of the above issues relating to the use of component models for IS development. All of these papers were refereed by at least two members of an international workshop committee comprising industry and academic researchers and users of component technologies. Strategic uses of components are addressed in the first three papers, while the following three address uses of components for systems design and workflow management. Systems development using components, and the provision of environments for component management are addressed in the following group of five papers. The last three papers in this proceedings address component management and analysis techniques. All of these papers provide new insights into the many varied uses of component technology for IS engineering. I hope you find them as interesting and useful as I have when collating this proceedings and organising the workshop.
Working Paper
Type of thesis
Computer Science Working Papers
Grundy, J. (Ed.). (1998). Proceedings of CBISE ’98 CaiSE*98 workshop on component based information systems engineering, June 8-9, Pisa, Italy. (Working paper 98/12). Hamilton, New Zealand: University of Waikato, Department of Computer Science.
University of Waikato, Department of Computer Science