Introducing a learning portfolio in an undergraduate financial accounting course
This paper evaluates changes made to the internal assessment component of a third year financial accounting course at a university in New Zealand. A learning portfolio was designed to supplement existing coursework. The aim was to engender in students a deep rather than a surface approach to learning. As a record of the students' learning, the learning portfolio was an attempt to produce an innovative development in the assessment of what was a traditionally taught financial accounting course. Within their learning portfolios, students were required to complete a number of tasks, each aimed at improving critical thinking skills and creativity. Students were also required to maintain a personal or reflective section aimed at personalising and deepening the quality of their learning.
Journal Article
Type of thesis
Samkin, G., & Francis, G. (2008). Introducing a Learning Portfolio in an Undergraduate Financial Accounting Course. Accounting Education, 17(3), 233-271.