Restoration of Lake Hakanoa: Results of model simulations
This report was requested by Waikato District Council. It covers the lake water quality of, and possible restoration scenarios for, Lake Hakanoa a riverine lake situated in Huntly. The lake is used as a recreational resource by the community. In the past it has been reported to have had very poor water quality and is known to be eutrophic. It is currently in an algal-dominated, devegetated state and has low water clarity. The shallowness of this lake makes it potentially susceptible to resuspension of sediments through wind action. A community group, Friends of Hakanoa, has been responsible for the formation of a path around the perimeter of the lake, retiring about 3.6% of the catchment from pastoral farming and creating a riparian margin. Results from more recent reports and this report indicate a trend of improving water quality which may be related to recent restoration actions such as re-establishment of a riparian margin.
Commissioned Report for External Body
Type of thesis
CBER Contract Report
Paul, W.J., McBride, C.G., Hamilton, D.P. Hopkins, A & Özkundakci, D. (2011). Restoration of Lake Hakanoa: Results of model simulations. CBER Contract Report No. 118, prepared for Waikato District Council. Hamilton, New Zealand: Centre for Biodiversity and Ecology Research, The University of Waikato.
Centre for Biodiversity and Ecology Research, The University of Waikato