Supervision as cultural partnership: Contributions to dialogue
The term cultural supervision has been coined as part of a strategy that implicates supervision in the support and development of culturally appropriate therapeutic practice. In Aotearoa New Zealand particular focus has been given to supervision where the client is Māori and the practitioner is a member of the dominant Pākehā culture particularly, or of other non-Māori cultures. However, while the phrase cultural supervision has entered common professional parlance, the practice has had little research attention in counselling/psychotherapy in New Zealand. Cultural supervision appears to encompass a range of understandings, and there is no clear agreement about practice implications. It is unclear what alignment there is between aspirations, regulations, and practice. This article reports on an exploratory qualitative study that investigated how supervision might work in supporting culturally appropriate counselling practice in Aotearoa New Zealand. The study’s findings are presented as a multi-voiced dialogue. This arts-based representational practice enacts the uncertainties of post-colonial experience. Its intention is to make assumptions, ideas, and practices available for discussion. Its contribution is to join current dialogue about supervision and culture, and to raise further questions about how supervision and culturally appropriate practice come together.
Journal Article
Type of thesis
Crocket, K., Flanagan, P., Swann, H., Swann, B., Soundy, T., Smith, B., … Alford, Z. (2015). Supervision as cultural partnership: Contributions to dialogue. Ata: Journal of Psychotherapy Aotearoa New Zealand, 19(1), 67–81.
New Zealand Association of Physchotherapists Inc
This article is published in the journal: Ata: Journal of Psychotherapy Aotearoa New Zealand. Used with permission.