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Work placement reports: Student perceptions

Engineering students complete work placement reports after being on placement in industry, the aim is to increase work place learning and to increase students understanding about the placement, themselves, career direction and skills obtained. Third and fourth year engineering students perceptions on their report writing experience, academic feedback quality, and the effect of completing work placement reports on their learning and report writing ability, were surveyed. Third year students enjoyed the experience more than fourth year students and perceived greater benefits. Fourth year student opinion was mixed, reflecting greater experience and cynicism. Fourth year students rated feedback from academics higher than the third years, perhaps because their reports were more interesting for the academics. The fourth year students were more cynical on the benefits of reflecting and reviewing what they had learned, and many considered this was not important for being an engineer.
Conference Contribution
Type of thesis
Lay, M. C., Paku, L. K. & Swan, J. E.(2008). Work placement reports: Student perceptions. In L. Mann, A. Thompson & P. Howard (Eds.) Proceedings of the19 Annual Conference for the Australasian Association for Engineering Education. CQUniversity Australia, Yeppoon, Queensland, Australia; 7-10 December, 2008 (pp.1-7).
CQUniversity Australia
This paper has been published in the Proceedings of the19 Annual Conference for the Australasian Association for Engineering Education. CQUniversity Australia, Yeppoon, Queensland, Australia; 7-10 December, 2008. ©2008 Lay, Paku and Swan. Used with Permission.