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Sleep duration and physical performance during a 6-week military training course

Sleep is vital in influencing effective training adaptations in the military. This study aimed to assess the relationship between sleep and changes in physical performance over 6-weeks of military training. A total of 22 officer-trainees (age: 24 ± 5 y) from the New Zealand Defence Force were used for this observational longitudinal cohort study. Participants wore wrist actigraphs to monitor sleep, completed subjective wellbeing questionnaires weekly, and were tested for: 2.4 km run time-trial, maximum press-up and curl-ups before and after 6-weeks of training. Average sleep duration was calculated over 36-nights (6:10 ± 0:28 h:min), and sleep duration at the mid-point (6:15 h:min) was used to stratify the trainees into two quantile groups (UNDERS: 5:51 ± 0:29 h:min, n =11) and (OVERS: 6:27 ± 0:09 h:min, n =11). There were no significant group x time interactions for 2.4 km run, press-ups, or curl-ups (p >0.05); however, small effects were observed in favour of OVERS for 2.4 km run (59.8 vs 44.9 s; d =0.26) and press-ups (4.7 vs 3.2 reps; d = 0.45). Subjective wellbeing scores resulted in a significant group x time interaction (p <0.05), with large effect sizes in favour of the OVERS group for Fatigue in Week 1 (d =0.90) and Week 3 (d =0.87), and Soreness in Week 3 (d =1.09) and Week 4 (d =0.95). Sleeping more than 6:15 h:min per night over 6-weeks was associated with small benefits to aspects of physical performance and moderate to large benefits on subjective wellbeing measures when compared to sleeping less than 6:15 h:min.
Journal Article
Type of thesis
This is an author’s accepted version of a chapter published in the book: The Journal of Sleep Research. © 2021 Wiley.