Understancding ICT based advantages: A techno savvy case Study
Information and communication technologies (ICTs) increasingly are being linked to organisational value. However, current research tends to examine these resources in an uncoupled way despite numerous calls for work which examines ICTs in a more integrated way. This research addresses this gap by investigating how ICTs are successfully combined with other resources in the context of an exemplar organisation. The resource based view (RBV) is used as a framework to guide this research. The RBV is an appropriate lens due to its focus on resources and capabilities as sources of advantage. This research employs an interpretive case study design based in an organisation with a long history of innovation and success with regard to ICTs. An integrated model of advantage is presented based on two distinct groupings of capabilities. In essence, this research demonstrates how the total ownership of ICTs, within the case studied, presents a potential advantage. The advantage is realised through the combination of capabilities and the inclusive approach to ICT development employed in the case organisation. This research has important implications for theory and practice. While many individual sources of advantage have been empirically examined, this research provides one of the first in-depth case studies that identify integrated capabilities. Understanding such sources of advantage will help practitioners better understand and protect key organisational capabilities to sustain or extend competitive advantages.
Journal Article
Type of thesis
Rastrick, K. C. & Corner, J. (2010). Understancding ICT based advantages: A techno savvy case Study. Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, and Management, 305-326.
Informing Science Institute