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Visualizing the New Zealand Cyber Security Challenge for Attack Behaviors

Datasets are important for security analytics and mitigation processes in cyber security research and investigations. "Cyber security challenge (CSC)" events provide the means to collect datasets. The New Zealand National cyber security challenge event is designed to promote cyber security education, awareness and equally as important, collect datasets for research purposes. In this paper, we present the: (1) Importance of cyber security challenge events, (2) Highlight the importance of collecting datasets, and (3) present a user-centric security visualization model of attack behaviors. User-centric features with the theoretical concept of Data Provenance as a Security Visualization Service (DPaaSVS) reused to display attacks commencing at the reconnaissance stage through to compromising a defending team machine and exploiting the systems. DPaaSVS creates the ability for users to interact and observe correlations between cyber-attacks. Finally we provide future work on Security Visualization with Augmented Reality capabilities to enhance and improve user interactions with the security visualization platform.
Conference Contribution
Type of thesis
Garae, J., Ko, R. K. L., Kho, J., Suwadi, S., Will, M. A., & Apperley, M. (2017). Visualizing the New Zealand Cyber Security Challenge for Attack Behaviors. In Proceedings of 2017 IEEE Trustcom/BigDataSE/ICESS (pp. 1123–1130). Washington, DC, USA: IEEE. https://doi.org/10.1109/Trustcom/BigDataSE/ICESS.2017.362
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