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Enhancing teachers’ understanding of young students’ learning in technology

This paper describes a study of teachers’ understanding of teaching and learning and the formative assessment of students aged 4-7 years of age in technology education. The research aimed at assisting teachers’ understanding of learning in technology through the use of an observation and questioning framework, a tool to formatively assess aspects of technology. This study applied aspects of building learning power to facilitate the development of dispositions and attitudes including the building of students’ confidence and self-belief in their capabilities, within four aspects of learning and across five pre-determined behaviours relevant to technology education. The study employed qualitative research methods to assist teachers in the use of an observation and conversation framework aimed to improve their ability to formatively assess their students and their ability to give specific feedback in technology. The framework was presented to the teachers prior to teaching. Subsequent observations and interviews were used to gauge teachers’ developed understandings of students’ thinking and learning in technology. Their opinions and recommendations for improvements of the framework were also sought. The study shows that framework presented a number of benefits for teachers in two areas. It gave them considerable insight into aspects of technology and how students learn in technology and it also enhanced teachers’ understanding of technology and student behaviours that influence learning.
Conference Contribution
Type of thesis
Fox-Turnbull, W. H. (2017). Enhancing teachers’ understanding of young students’ learning in technology. In PATT 34 Technology and Engineering Education (Vol. 2017). Millersville University, Philadelphia, PA, USA: ITEEA.