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Tokomaru Bay Wharf and heritage buildings restoration design: Innovating a holistic final year civil design project

CONTEXT The discipline of civil engineering focuses on creating the built environment necessary for a functioning society, however, curriculum often focuses on the design of specific structures in isolation from the larger world in which they exist. While emerging civil engineers need have the technical competency to design sound structures, it is also critical that they understand how their designs integrates into society as a whole. As such, the final year design project for the inaugural batch of civil engineering graduates at the University of Waikato has been created to carefully integrate the civil engineering specific knowledge with wider interdisciplinary concepts through a real life restoration design of the historic Tokomaru Bay region. This project provides the students with the necessary tools to take a holistic approach to the restorative design of a heritage community centre. PURPOSE OR GOAL The purpose of this project is to provide students with the opportunity to get engaged with a large scale design project while training students to think about how the project fits into the larger community. Students have the opportunity to create a holistic design proposal for the restoration of the Tokomaru Bay Wharf and Historic Buildings that considers of the wants and needs of the community and local jurisdiction, incorporates local policy, and integrates principle of urban planning and community engagement. APPROACH OR METHODOLOGY/METHODS Students work in teams to create a plan for the restoration of a wharf and historic buildings. As part of the project, students consider how the restoration efforts will integrate into the wider community. Students are taught by an interdisciplinary team about urban planning, architecture restoration, risk analysis, and community engagement. Students have the opportunity to fully engage with all the steps in a design process through site visits, working with the local heritage trust and district council, and use of historic maps to create a plan and design for the restoration that meets the needs and wants of the local community. ACTUAL OR ANTICIPATED OUTCOMES It is anticipated that by using the real life design project, the Tokomaru Bay Wharf and Heritage Buildings restoration, as a case study for the final year civil engineering project will motivate students to engage with all aspects of the project. Designs produced by the students should be holistic in nature, demonstrating how their ideas for the reconstruction project fit into the larger needs and demands of the local community and the district council. Student projects should also be mindful of the significant nature of the area and incorporate the history into their final design. CONCLUSIONS/RECOMMENDATIONS/SUMMARY It is vital that students are prepared to meet the expectations and demands outside of university. Involving students in real design projects motivates them to engage with the project. The holistic nature of this project, further teaches students key skills that will be beneficial to their future engineering careers.
Conference Contribution
Type of thesis
Boston, M., Dyer, M., Dyer, R., Geremicca, F., & Shokri, A. (2019). Tokomaru Bay Wharf and heritage buildings restoration design: Innovating a holistic final year civil design project. In Proceedings of Australasian Association for Engineering Education 2019 Annual Conference. Brisbane, Australia.
Copyright © Boston, Dyer, Dyer, Geremicca, and Shokri , 2019