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Undue influence: Mitigating range-intensity coupling in AMCW ‘flash’ lidar using scene texture

We present a new algorithm for mitigating range-intensity coupling caused by scattered light in full-field amplitude modulated continuous wave lidar systems using scene texture. Full-field Lidar works using the time-of-flight principle to measure the range to thousands of points in a scene simultaneously. Mixed pixel are erroneous range measurements caused by pixels integrating light from more than one object at a time. Conventional optics suffer from internal reflections and light scattering which can result in every pixel being mixed with scattered light. This causes erroneous range measurements and range-intensity coupling. By measuring how range changes with intensity over local regions it is possible to determine the phase and intensity of the scattered light without the complex calibration inherent in deconvolution based restoration. The new method is shown to produce a substantial improvement in range image quality. An additional range from texture method is demonstrated which is resistant to scattered light. Variations of the algorithms are tested with and without segmentation - the variant without segmentation is faster, but causes erroneous ranges around the edges of objects which are not present in the segmented algorithm.
Conference Contribution
Type of thesis
Godbaz, J.P., Cree, M.J. & Dorrington, A.A. (2009). Undue influence: Mitigating range-intensity coupling in AMCW ‘flash’ lidar using scene texture. In proceedings of 24th International Conference Image and Vision Computing New Zealand (IVCNZ 2009), 23-25 November 2009, Wellington, New Zealand. (pp. 304-309). Washington, USA: IEEE.
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