Management of the University of Waikato campus lakes: Final report
There are three small shallow lakes on the University of Waikato campus, and all have high nutrient loadings, creating ideal conditions for plant algal growth. These lakes were created by excavation during construction of the university for the purposes of stormwater detention. Water quality in the lakes has been a matter of concern to the University of Waikato Site Committee for a number of years, and the concern intensifies in late 2000 with the commissioning of the WEL Energy Academy of Performing Arts, which was built with a view over Knighton Lake.
Commissioned Report for External Body
Type of thesis
Hicks, B.J. & Bryant, N.. (2002). Management of the University of Waikato campus lakes: Final report. CBER Contract Report No. 23, prepared for Deaprtment of Conservation and Environment Southland. Hamilton, New Zealand: Centre for Biodiversity and Ecology Research, The University of Waikato.
Centre for Biodiversity and Ecology Research, The University of Waikato