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"More than bloods and obs" - Whānau Māori discuss health and hospital care

The impact of colonisation on Māori, the Indigenous people of Aotearoa New Zealand, combined with negative interactions with health workers, has contributed to insufficient resources and reduced access to primary health care. The purpose of this report is to share narratives of whānau Māori who have experienced a child’s hospital admission in order to highlight the common aspects (good and bad) of their stay at Waikato Hospital. The overarching aim of the Harti Hauora Tamariki (HHT) tool trial, within which this report is located, is to demonstrate the measurable impact of a developed screening tool (referred to throughout as the Harti tool). The Harti tool is a comprehensive approach to assessing and addressing holistic health needs for hospitalised children and their whānau. Our recruitment strategy gave priority to those whose kōrero would capture the realities of those living in situations of few resources. This report presents findings from conversational interviews with whānau of tamariki Māori admitted to the paediatrics ward of Waikato Hospital. We have purposefully presented the interview findings as narratives to allow the reader to engage in their own interpretation of commonalities of experiences. Each case study follows the same format: an overview, their hospital experience, and their description of everyday health. Across all the cases, similarities of experience emerge; financial stressors and strain; hunger and isolation; concern for their child(ren); and families that are actively engaged in caring for their children’s health and well-being. The Harti tool, when administered by a culturally competent Harti Research Assistant (Harti RA), appears to work to counteract previous alienating experiences. Being treated with dignity, respect and value had a positive impact. Participants spoke at length regarding how wonderful it was to be able to engage with the Harti RA’s as Māori and in a culturally appropriate way.
Type of thesis
Masters-Awatere, B., & Graham, R. (2019). ‘More than bloods and obs’ - Whānau Māori discuss health and hospital care (Report). Hamilton, New Zealand: Māori and Psychology Research Unit, University of Waikato.
Māori and Psychology Research Unit, University of Waikato