Over the past 150 years of European settlement of New Zealand, the basis of economic growth has been the exploitation of her natural resources.
The object of this study is to examine the character, motives, and exploitation of the natural resources, and the growth of attitudes to conservation. Because of the scope that such a study could cover, it is necessary to restrict it to the more outstanding characteristics of the movement for conservation in New Zealand.
In the first chapter the conservation movement, particularly that of the United States, will be discussed. This will be followed in Chapter II by an examination of the resource elements of New Zealand in terms of their nature and degree of exhaustibility.
In Chapter III, conservation policies and attitudes towards various resources will be identified, from the early years of European settlement to the end of World War II. The changing attitudes to the utilisation of resources, will be examined to determine their relative importance in deciding how various resources will be utilised.
Contemporary attitudes to the utilisation of utilisation of resources, and to the conservation of those resources will be examined in Chapter IV.
In the final chapter an attempt will be made to - 6 - identify a "conservation movement" in New Zealand in terms of the development of attitudes to resource use over the 150 years of European settlement.
This study is made with the aim of highlighting developments in conservation thought at a time when the implications of' "conservation" are assuming increasing importance for New Zealand.
Type of thesis
Allen, P. D. H. (1967). The Conservation Movement in New Zealand (Thesis, Bachelor of Arts). University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand. Retrieved from https://hdl.handle.net/10289/10062
University of Waikato
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