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The Nature of Effective Relationships between Senior Leadership Teams and Heads of Faculty in New Zealand High Schools

Senior Leadership Teams and Heads of Faculties in New Zealand High Schools work together to achieve long and short term educational outcomes for students, school, and community. This study set out to investigate the perceptions of Senior Leadership Teams and Heads of Faculty regarding the nature of an effective working relationship with the other. Semi-structured interviews were conducted in five Hamilton – Greater Waikato High Schools. Findings show that effective relationships between Senior Leadership Teams and Heads of Faculty were complex and challenging. There was a lack of knowledge, understanding, and skill by both Senior Leadership Teams and Heads of Faculties with regards to effective communication. Indeed there was an urgent need for clear job descriptions. In this way both groups might know what they are responsible and accountable for and to whom individuals can go to for guidance. The importance of relationships in organisations was endorsed and showed the need for trust, commitment and satisfaction. There appears to be a lack of development programmes for Heads of Faculties. It is therefore essential that a purposeful mentoring programme in high schools be developed to fill this need as multiple challenges confront the establishment of these relationships. It is important that Senior Leadership Teams and Heads of Faculties develop an awareness of these challenges early and have the skills to resolve them. Further research into the nature of effective relationships between Senior Leadership Teams and Heads of Faculties in New Zealand High Schools is required, as this might enlighten those who currently hold Senior Leadership Team or Heads of Faculty positions as to the skills and knowledge required for these relationships to be effective.
Type of thesis
Kerapa, R. N. (2012). The Nature of Effective Relationships between Senior Leadership Teams and Heads of Faculty in New Zealand High Schools (Thesis, Master of Educational Leadership (MEdLeadership)). University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand. Retrieved from https://hdl.handle.net/10289/6506
University of Waikato
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