Ngāti Tarāwhai are a unique tribal group from the Te Arawa confederation of tribes. Located around their traditional stronghold of Lake Okataina, Tarāwhai have endured throughout history to become a proud and noble clan, maintaining their culture and distinctive tribal practises. Part of their survival throughout time has been their ability to rely on particular traits and attributes that have been portrayed and maintained by members of Tarāwhai across the generations. These special characteristics have not only supported the development of Tarāwhai, but have also helped the evolution of Tarāwhai’s identity.
This thesis is concerned with four aspects that have been identified as common traits throughout Ngāti Tarāwhai history. In particular, this study will look at the roles of leaders, tohunga, warriors and carving experts and explore how these qualities have featured significantly within Tarāwhai’s history for many generations. Furthermore, this thesis will discuss how these aspects have influenced the development of the tribe from early time through to the present day.
It is the proposition of this thesis that the above mentioned attributes have shaped the people of Tarāwhai into the tribal group that they are today. In addition, while Māori society has changed dramatically in the last 100 years, Tarāwhai continue to display these characteristics in a modern world, and they are still central to the reaffirmation of Tarāwhai identity and the overall wellbeing of the people. Finally this thesis believes that these attributes must be maintained and perpetuated for Tarāwhi to have a secure place in the future.
Type of thesis
Hiini, A. T. W. (2013). Tarāwhai Tāngata Rau (Thesis, Master of Māori and Pacific Development (MMPD)). University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand. Retrieved from https://hdl.handle.net/10289/8462
University of Waikato
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