Paremias xeocosmolóxicas de predición do tempo en galego e maorí (Geocosmologic paroemias of weather prediction in Galician and Maori)
This comparative study collects phraseological units -dictons- (Rodegem 1984 e Sevilla Muñoz 1988; 1992) related to the semantic field of weather forecast from two cultures, which have not been in contact, and which are located in the antipodes of the planet: Galician and Maori. The methodology used utilizes a diachronic analysis (although not diastratic), of geocosmological proverbs, that can be or not in use nowadays, which include dictons about atmospheric phenomena, observation of the stars and star lore, and weather forecast through observation of animals, especially birds. The dictons collected in Maori do not come from informants but from the few books and digital sources available at the moment and this represents only a fragment of their traditional oral culture, thought and legacy of the different iwis. The collected dictons in Galician have been collected from a variety of digital corpus and resources.
Journal Article
Type of thesis
Lopez-Fernandez, L. (2015). Paremias xeocosmolóxicas de predición do tempo en galego e maorí (Geocosmologic paroemias of weather prediction in Galician and Maori). Cadernos De Fraseoloxia Galega 17 (Journal of Galician Phraseology), 83–107.
Centro Ramón Piñeiro para a Investigación en Humanidades (Ramón Piñeiro Center for Humanities Research)
This article is published in the Cadernos de Fraseoloxia Galega 17 (Journal of Galician Phraseology). © Centro Ramón Piñeiro para a Investigación en Humanidades, 2015. (Véxase a páx. 308). Used with permission.