An anthropomorphic, brain controlled, under actuated, Prosthetic hand has been designed and developed for upper extremity amputees. The hands function is based on micro servo actuation and the use of coupling links between parts of the finger. The control of a prosthetic hand is what differentiates this project from the others. It is the intent of this project to increase the sense of belonging between prosthesis and amputee by controlling the designed device by the brain of the amputee. The platform has been designed to use multiple force sensors to improve control. The project is a feasibility study and will be used to test whether a multi-functional and intuitive prosthetic hand is attainable. The control of the hand will be driven through a neural interface and controlled by a micro-board. This paper focuses on the mechanical design of the hand and the processes used to control the hand using signals emitted from the brain, to increase the sense of belonging between the amputee and prosthetic device. The hand has been developed as a foundation for future research into brain controlled prosthetics at the University of Waikato.
Type of thesis
Owen, M. (2015). The Development of a Brain Controlled Robotic Prosthetic Hand (Thesis, Master of Engineering (ME)). University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand. Retrieved from https://hdl.handle.net/10289/9522
University of Waikato
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