Addressing disparities by listening to Māori whānau: Lessons for Kāhui Ako
This research involved interviewing five Māori whānau, with children attending four of six schools across a Kāhui Ako, to identify the extent to which their children were enjoying and achieving education success as Māori.
A review of the literature highlighted precolonial ways of teaching and learning where whānau were highly involved in the education of their children and where teaching and learning was reciprocal and where the mana of children, whānau and hapū were important.
Applying culturally responsive methodologies and using group focussed, semi-structured interviews to collect whānau perspectives it was revealed that many Māori children were neither enjoying education nor achieving success as Māori. Māori whānau spoke sincerely about their own experiences and those of their children. Critical and consistent messages from Māori whānau identified what must be addressed if Māori children are to reach their full potential and enjoy and achieve education success with their Māori cultural identity secure.
This thesis identifies that it is crucial for school leaders and teachers to listen to what whānau are saying if educators are to take greater responsibility for the performance of Māori students’ learning and cultural identity by delivering their teaching performance against the cultural competencies stated in Tātaiako. Addressing, reducing and removing the ongoing challenges and disparities Māori children and whānau face in education is essential. However, unless school leaders and teachers believe they have to change, then Māori will continue to get from schooling what they have always got. That is not good enough for Māori whānau and nor is it good enough for anyone’s whānau. This thesis discusses how together we can make this happen.
Type of thesis
Horne, S. K. (2020). Addressing disparities by listening to Māori whānau: Lessons for Kāhui Ako (Thesis, Master of Education (MEd)). The University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand. Retrieved from https://hdl.handle.net/10289/13962
The University of Waikato
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