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An exploratory study of the sexual health knowledge and attitudes of Asian male student sojourners in New Zealand

This study looked into the sexual and general health attitudes of Asian male student sojourners in New Zealand. The following issues on sexual and general health were probed: level of awareness, views and perceptions, levels of knowledge, main sources of information, and cultural factors in seeking health information. An Internet-mediated survey was employed to gather data on this sensitive topic. Sixty-six participants from Waikato, Massey, Canterbury, and Otago Universities answered the questionnaire. In addition, key-informant interviews with health providers were conducted to provide additional data. Data from the survey indicated a high level of health awareness concerning both general and sexual health maintenance, but there was cultural reluctance to discuss health issues, especially sexual health. General and sexual health matters were regarded as highly personal and sensitive, which they discussed with close associates. Findings from the study suggest the need for culturally appropriate approaches to improve Asian male students' access to health services.
Journal Article
Type of thesis
Omura, S., Hills, M & Ritchie, J. (2006). An exploratory study of the sexual health knowledge and attitudes of Asian male student sojourners in New Zealand. Asian and Pacific Migration Journal, 15(2), 267-276.
Scalabrini Migration Center
This article has been published in the journal: Asian and Pacific Migration Journal. ©2006 Scalabrini Migration center. Used with permission.