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A Portfolio of Compositions

The pieces in this portfolio cover a wide range of methods and styles - from work for a single vocalising percussionist, to singing bowl and electronics and a work for full orchestra. The aim of this portfolio is to demonstrate my technical and musical proficiency as well as to give an overview of my personal composing philosophy and style. The portfolio opens with a work for orchestra, A Study in Scarlet. It differs from my previous orchestral works and is based on a musical code of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's book, titled A Study in Scarlet. This was read in the 2009 Todd/ NSZO Young Composer Readings. The second work is .manatu.. It features tinkly piano, wind chimes and ethnic instrumentalists in a chamber ensemble to create a musical sound world. This was written for and premiered at Bang on a Can's summer music festival in Massachusetts 2009. The piano work .ātanga. is an adaptation of .manatu. for solo pianist and was written for the Dame Malvina Major Foundations Showcase Concert in New Plymouth. This adaptation proved to be a worthwhile exercise in efficient use of music material. Wrong Number is a Janet Frame poem set for soprano and real-time effect processing of audio. Confessions - Part I and II, for solo violin and string orchestra is based on the Fibonacci series and explores my love for string sonorities. Sand Song was written for a friend who asked me to set a poem she wrote. Here I demonstrate my love for setting text and voice to say something beautiful and precise. This song now stands as a eulogy for her Father. Parihaka, for vocalising percussionist, is a setting of Apirana Taylor's poem Parihaka and was written for Australian performer Louise Devenish. I explore further in the realm of live acoustic and electroacoustic music with Orison a piece I wrote for myself to perform live with singing bowl and Ableton Live. Finally The Headlines Today for five improvising musicians explores the music of shouting and the vernacular of place.
Type of thesis
Dobson, E. J. (2010). A Portfolio of Compositions (Thesis, Master of Music (MMus)). The University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand. Retrieved from https://hdl.handle.net/10289/5763
The University of Waikato
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