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Spill-over of sustainability values and practices - a psychology PhD thesis proposal

The following presentation relates to my proposed PhD topic. As an audience you’re probably reading the title and wondering what relevance my topic has to the symposium theme Claiming Spaces. My immediate response is ‘nothing’. Nada, zilch, kore. As a ‘fill-in’ speaker for a presenter unable to be here, I’m reminded that despite my topics irregularity in the programme, I claim a space as both a psychologist and Maori person seeking to work with in the field of sustainability and conservation. Psychologists and Maori are interested in more than mental health and clinical investigation. We are interested in how the world goes around and seek to claim a space here too. So, this symposium and my participation DOES have relevance and I’d like to acknowledge those who remind me so. Let’s take a peep into my world for the next 3 years.
Conference Contribution
Type of thesis
Rua, M. & Nikora, L. W. (2008). Spill-over of sustainability values and practices - a psychology PhD thesis proposal. In Levy, M., Nikora, L.W., Masters-Awatere, B., Rua, M. & Waitoki, W. (Eds). Claiming Spaces: Proceedings of the 2007 National Maori and Pacific Psychologies Symposium 23rd-24th November 2007 (pp. 154-158). Hamilton, New Zealand: Māori and Psychology Research Unit, University of Waikato.
Maori and Psychology Research Unit, University of Waikato
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