Claiming spaces: Prioritising Maaori worldview
Ohomairangi Trust was established as a provider of early intervention services in February 2002. It is funded and accredited by the Ministry of Education, and is the first Kaupapa Maaori based early intervention service to be accredited by the Ministry of Education. Essentially Ohomairangi was developed because of a need in the community for a service that could focus on developing and providing early intervention in a uniquely Maaori way, without the constraints of a crown agency. The Ohomairangi early intervention team has a commitment to supporting both the positive developments for Maaori within the Ministry of Education, and the continued independent research and development of Kaupapa Maaori services. The primary purpose of Ohomairangi is to develop and provide a Kaupapa Maaori based early intervention service across Taamaki Makaurau, which meets recommended practice guidelines. This evolves from a starting point of Kaupapa Maaori theory.
Conference Contribution
Type of thesis
Penehira, M., Doherty, L., Gray, A. & Spark, E. (2008). Claiming spaces: Prioritising Maaori worldview. In Levy, M., Nikora, L.W., Masters-Awatere, B., Rua, M. & Waitoki, W. (Eds). Claiming Spaces: Proceedings of the 2007 National Maori and Pacific Psychologies Symposium 23rd-24th November 2007 (pp. 147-153). Hamilton, New Zealand: Māori and Psychology Research Unit, University of Waikato.
Maori and Psychology Research Unit, University of Waikato
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