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A Critical Analysis of a Culturally Responsive Pedagogy Towards Improving Māori Achievement

The research task presented in this thesis examines how one English medium school, provides a culturally responsive practice that ensures the improved educational achievement of Māori students. The thesis begins by looking at some of the discourses that have transpired concerning Māori and the disparity in education that has affected Māori students’ educational outcomes. It investigates kaupapa Māori approaches and interventions that came about to combat Māori education disparity and gave Māori autonomy over their own outlooks. It also focuses on Te Kotahitanga and culturally responsive pedagogy as a response in raising Māori educational achievement. This study was conducted in a kaupapa Māori and culturally responsive manner with a mixed method approach that included the triangulation of qualitative and quantitative data. Qualitative data included student, their parents and teacher voice as semi-structured interviews and quantitative data comprised of student achievement data and Te Kotahitanga teacher observation data. The discoveries are discussed as to the influence of the culturally responsive discourses that affected Māori student achievement. This study suggests that when teachers implement culturally responsive practices in their classrooms, students improve educationally. Therefore, to combat the disparity that Māori students in English medium schools experience a change in school and teacher practice needs to occur so that it reflects a culturally responsive pedagogy of relations.
Type of thesis
Richards, S. M. (2017). A Critical Analysis of a Culturally Responsive Pedagogy Towards Improving Māori Achievement (Thesis, Master of Education (MEd)). University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand. Retrieved from https://hdl.handle.net/10289/11583
University of Waikato
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