An investigation of the factors affecting guest selection of hotel/motel accommodation within New Zealand: development of a management decision model
This research investigates the factors that influence the selection of hotel/motel accommodation in New Zealand. The tourism and hospitality industries are an important part of the New Zealand economy, with tourism producing more overseas income than any other individual industry. It is vitally important for hotel and motel owners and management to understand the factors that affect occupancy in order that they may implement decisions to take best advantage of the assets and obtain the highest return on the investment. A holistic approach or one that looks at the many factors influencing hotel occupancy has been adopted as this encourages an interdisciplinary method to the study of hotel occupancy, and broadens the investigation. This gives the research a particular focus on the problem of occupancy because the analysis includes an extensive spectrum of factors.
The specific objective is to investigate the factors that influence occupancy and to produce the findings in the form of a management decision model. The data for this research was gathered from three sources: first a small group of researchers and industry stakeholders participated in-depth interviews, which comprised open questions asked to determine from their perspective the factors that have the greatest affect on occupancy. The main findings from these interviews were used to develop a survey conducted among hotel decision-makers; management was specifically chosen for this, as it was believed that there would be a broader knowledge and experience base. The final set of data was collected from a survey of potential guests.
In developing the management decision model, a number of tools were employed including neural networks and linear structural equation modelling. These analyses gave a rich result to the findings and this was applied to the development of stochastic¹ management decision models (Goel & Richter-Dyn, 1974; Bekker & Saayman, 1999), using the main findings from the interviews with researchers and industry stakeholders as a reference point.
The contribution of this research included evidence of: 1). The significant “Gap” between the factors influencing occupancy relating to researchers and industry stakeholders and hotel decision-makers on the one hand and potential guests on the other; 2). The structure and factors involved within a hotel occupancy decision model; 3). The demographic influences on the factors within the management decision model.
¹The way in which the variables within the model relate and impact on each other.
Type of thesis
Lockyer, T. (2001). An investigation of the factors affecting guest selection of hotel/motel accommodation within New Zealand: development of a management decision model (Thesis, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)). The University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand. Retrieved from https://hdl.handle.net/10289/14352
The University of Waikato
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