Perceptions of workplace bullying in the New Zealand travel industry: Prevalence and management strategies
Workplace bullying is a major cause of stress and psychological harm for employees and a costly problem for organisations. Within the travel industry, little is known about the extent and nature of the workplace bullying problem. This paper reports on findings from a survey of 332 New Zealand travel industry staff and managers. The finding that more than one-in-ten respondents experienced bullying in the workplace indicates a significant problem for the sector. In comparison to those who had not experienced bullying, targets of bullying reported lower levels of constructive leadership, colleague support, and supervisor support, and lower self-rated performance. Targets also reported higher levels of stress, lower levels of emotional wellbeing, higher absenteeism, and a higher intention to leave the organisation. Organisational responses to bullying reported to be most effective were those that focused on improvements in communication and relationships. The paper discusses the importance of leadership in developing a bully-free culture within organisations.
Journal Article
Type of thesis
Bentley, T.A., Catley, B., Cooper-Thoas, H., Gardner, D., O’Driscoll, M.P., .., Trenberth, L. (2011). Perceptions of workplace bullying in the New Zealand travel industry: Prevalence and management strategies. Tourism Management, available online 31 May 2011.