
Pregnancy in a new home: Refugee mothers in New Zealand

Purpose: Pregnancy signifies a delicate phase for women and is associated with potential adverse negative outcomes. Refugee woman are more at risk of experiencing heightened stress and negative pregnancy outcomes. As the population of refugee women in New Zealand continues to grow, it becomes imperative to comprehend their unique challenges, needs, and available supports during their pregnancy in New Zealand. Despite this, no research on this topic has been conducted in New Zealand. Therefore, the current research aims to explore what are the needs and challenges of former refugee woman in New Zealand during their pregnancy and how are they being supported? Methods: A thematic analysis was conducted on eight semi-structured interviews to understand the experiences of former refugee mothers. Participants consisted of four former refugee mothers who had recent given birth in the last three years at New Zealand and four service providers who had supported refugee mothers during their pregnancy. Results: The study identified six key themes critical to supporting pregnant refugee women in New Zealand. These encompassed the need for language assistance, guidance in navigating available systems, fostering relationships, cultural awareness within services, and recognizing the interconnected nature of their challenges, which often resulted in inadequate support for some pregnant refugee women. Additionally, the research highlighted a sense of appreciation among refugee mothers for the services provided by New Zealand. Conclusion: This study highlights the need for a holistic approach when supporting pregnant refugee woman and the significance of developing tailored community programs to educate and provide opportunity for socialisation.
Type of thesis
The University of Waikato
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