Volume 3, Number 1, 1969

This collection contains all the articles from Volume 3, Number 1, 1969 of the Earth Science Journal.


Recent Submissions

  • Publication
    Coverpage and Contents
    (Journal Article, Waikato Geological Society, The University of Waikato, 1969) Waikato Geological Society
    Coverpage and Contents from Volume 3, Number 1, 1969 of Earth Science Journal.
  • Publication
    Aggregation characteristics and maturity of Peak District soils
    (Journal Article, Waikato Geological Society, The University of Waikato, 1969) Bryan, Rorke B.
    Soil aggregation and aggregate stability are fundamental factors in determination of soil erodibility. The aggregation characteristics of soils in a region of high erosion potential are measured, and controlling factors examined. A relationship between increasing soil maturity and decreasing aggregate stability is described, and its significance in relation to Penck’s Aufbereitung concept is discussed.
  • Publication
    The six days and the deluge: some ideas on earth history in the Royal Society of London 1660-1775
    (Journal Article, Waikato Geological Society, The University of Waikato, 1969) Stokes, Evelyn
    The influence of the biblical story of Creation and the Deluge on ideas of earth history during the period 1660-1775 is examined with particular reference to papers on the subject published in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Topics examined in more detail include the controversies over the origin of marine fossils and bones of prehistoric animals, ideas on natural causes of the Deluge and its role in shaping landforms, and the age of the earth. Despite the inhibiting effect of the Genesis account, there was considerable flexibility in interpretation of both the Creation and Deluge stories in terms of current scientific knowledge. The later papers display a good deal of uniformitarian thinking within the framework of a catastrophic deluge hypothesis.
  • Publication
    Book reviews and Book notices
    (Journal Article, Waikato Geological Society, The University of Waikato, 1969) Waikato Geological Society
    Book reviews and Book notice from Volume 3, Number 1, 1969 of Earth Science Journal.
  • Publication
    Processes acting to produce glacial detritus
    (Journal Article, Waikato Geological Society, The University of Waikato, 1969) Falconer, Allan
    The traditional view of attrition and abrasion as the major agents producing glacial debris is considered in the light of recent work by engineering geologists and geomorphologists. The decomposition of certain rock types when affected by frost action leads to the concept of rock deterioration within the body of the glacier. It seems that differing rock types with varying responses to low temperature conditions would produce a heterogeneous mixture of particle size such as is usually termed glacial till. Observations in recent work on rock stability emphasise the importance of clay minerals and their mode of occurrence. It is considered that a detailed study of the stability of rocks forming the source region of a glacier should give considerable insight into the nature of the till produced.
  • Publication
    Shore platforms and mass movement: a note
    (Journal Article, Waikato Geological Society, The University of Waikato, 1969) Wright, L.W.
    Shore platforms and mass movement phenomena are important elements in the coastal scenery of the British Isles. Both features are particularly well developed along the English Channel coast. Where mass movement is of major importance it tends to inhibit the exposure of shore platforms. Under certain conditions it may temporarily protect the platform from further erosion. The factors which encourage the formation of shore platform and mass movement differ. Mass movement appears to be a secondary process, and does not seem to participate directly in either the primary formation of the shore platform or in its subsequent evolution.
  • Publication
    Shore platforms and mass-movement: A reply
    (Journal Article, Waikato Geological Society, The University of Waikato, 1969) McLean, R.F.; Davidson, C.F.
    Implicit in Mr Wright's note on shore platforms and mass-movement is a criticism of our findings on the role of mass-movement in shore platform development along the Gisborne coastline, New Zealand (McLean and Davidson, 1968). The lack of explicit criticism makes any reply difficult; we are not rebuked on our own evidence, nor is any fresh evidence presented from the same area to make it necessary for us to change or modify our original views.
  • Publication
    A simplified levelling instrument: the A-frame
    (Journal Article, Waikato Geological Society, The University of Waikato, 1969) Riley, S.J.
    A levelling instrument has been developed which permits work in a high degree of detail without field assistance.
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